March 24, 2020

Good Morning My Favorite Students!!!

What do you call a broken can opener???  Answer at the bottom of the page 🙂

Here are just a few things to get your day kicked off!

Each day this week let’s make it our goal to read for at least one hour.

Google Doc.  Question to share with me…….”What is the worst character/villain/antagonist  in your book right now? Explain.

How are you doing on your DC’s?


1.  What is  3/7 of  13

2.  What is   345 divided by 7?

3.  What is the product of 351 and 45?

4.  What is the sum of 456 and 34?

5.  What is the difference between  57.9  and  3.781

6.  What is the sum of 567.9  and. 45.8?

7.  What is the sum of  3   2/3 and  4   4/5?

8.  What is the difference between  14   3/4  and  3  4/5?

9.  3(3×4) + 2(4-2) – 4  +  2(4-1) =

10.  6 + 2(3-1) – 4 + 4(2×2) =

Don’t forget about Liberty Kids!  Watch them in order so that it makes sense!!

answer: A can’t opener 🙂